Exercises and diet for daily morning routine



Morning air is a pure and healthy oxygen and morning diet also beneficial  air create high energy in your body because morning air have  more high oxygen in morning our mind work fast and its make your life long  and good for stomach. 

Daily routine exercises is most important for us if we play any type of activities in every morning it’s maintain body fitness and enhance your immunities for fight any type of disease. EX blood sugar, B.P, heart attack etc.

that’s why you must give 30 to 60 min to exercise in your full day.

exercises and diets
exercise and diet


You try to perform exercise outside from home because morning oxygen is pure and beneficial to body1st you wakeup at 5am than drink 1 glass warm water with lemon it can be boost you stamina. its helps to cleaning the stomach. Lemon reduces blood pressure drinking lemon mixed water provide relief from constipation. Weight can be easily reduced by drinking lemon mixed with hot water very helpful in increasing immunity very beneficial for all skin related people. Its keeps your body healthy consuming it helps in reducing freckles and blemishes on the face

After 30min you do jogging 2 to 3 km you can do more than 2 3 km its depends your body Than you do squats at least 30 set than you rest 15 second than do again you can do minimum 5 set of than slowly slowly you increase sets like that After that your nerves and body fully stretch if your body stretch than you do any type of exercise without herm you body parts.


WEEL POSE (chakrasana) for perform this 

1st  you  do  inhale and exhale 3 to 5 time its important to do  before any workout.  yoga first you need foot mat than you than you lying on back(pith ke bal letna) than load your full body weight in your legs and arms like that picture that’ increase blood circulation in your body

benefits of chakarasana

  • it’s make your arms strong and  increase your grips
  • its mainly and directly  effects your stomach and its strengthen digestion system
  • chakrasana improve your posture and improve your inner power
wheel pose, chakarasana
wheel pose


1st you sit on the mat and take a long breath and keep legs straight and try to touch your toes slowly slowly repeat it again and again

toe touch
toe touch

Benefits of touch toes

  •  Its decrease your stomach extra fat
  • increase your spine length and flexibility
  • help’s to decrease your knee and shine pain and disease

TREE POSE(vrikshasana)

1st you stand one leg and up your both arms namaskar style and make a balance like a that picture

tree pose, vrikshasana
tree pose

·         Benefits of tree pose

  •   Its help you to maintain body inner and outer balance like blood flow
  •  Tree pose make your thighs stronger
  •   Some people walk  like a laziness walks with bent  their waist tree pose helps your walking style

COBRA POSE(bhujangasana)

1st you make prone position on the mat than stretch and lift your body weight in your arms like that picture with full power

cobra pose, bhujangasana
cobra pose

Benefits of cobra pose

  • Helps increase your height
  • Reduced risk of heart attack
  • Stretch your full body 

ALL this yoga's end exercise give you fit body and  long life healthy ness

EX maintain body weight ,reduce disease ,relief headache are any pain in your body


These exercise give you a good posture


Posture refers to the way we hold ourselves when we stand, sit, walk, talk. Our posture change according to circumstances. 

After that all workout you need a good diet according your weight  you can eat EGGS ,PEANUTBUTTER,SPROUTED GRAM,MILK etc.



BB made by wheat ,1st its make your heart healthy and boost your energy and control your sugar level and blood pressure and main thing bb fills up your hunger.

brown bread
brown bread


PEANUT BUTTER- this is a rich source of protein that's why its helps your muscle building. Work on lowers risk of cancer. peanut butter full fill your nutrition facts- carbohydrates, poly unsaturated fats,. Strength teeth and gums control sugar level beneficial in reducing weight and increase energy.

peanut butter, my fitness peanut butter
peanut butter


  • EGGS – boil eggs is a no one natural high protein source its increase your memory level. 
  • eating eggs cures anemia. Vitamin e is n antioxidant which helps protect your cells.
  • Vitamin d3 Eggs provides you Vitamin d3  vd3 enhance bone health and  helps to absorbed calcium in body.
  • Iron removes anemia helps oxygen flow in the entire body the iron present in eggs easily dissolves in the body
  • Vitamin A keeps the skin healthy and improve eyesight.
  • Vitamin E the antioxidants present in it protect against diseases maintain good health.
  • Vitamin B12 protects the heart.
  • Folate protects old cells as well as creates new cells. Also protects from animania
  • Choline it plays an important role in the development and functioning of the brain.
eggs, boil eggs


OATS – fulfill your protein, fiber, carbs, vitamins, minerals desire it’s provide low fat and good quantity potassium, vitamin c, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin d  magnesium, silicon, iron, ,beta glucan, oats maintain energy in your body. Its increase your memory level.



WALNUT – eating walnuts keeps heart related diseases away. Walnuts contain anti oxidants and omega 3 fatty acids, which are beneficial in heart diseases. Walnut is very beneficial for the brain eating walnut reliefs tension and gives good sleep. Walnut control blood pressure and maintain energy in the body. Increase brain power the nutrients found in it sharpen the brain. Helps a lot in reducing cholesterol.



SPROUTED – not only strengthen the body but also contribute to the functioning of various organs. These strengthen your immune system to fight disease. Manages cholesterol. Reliefs stomach related problems: The fiber present in sprouted grains is considered very good for stomach. It is also said that they keep the PH level in your stomach stable and reduce acidity.

sprouted grains,ankurit daal
sprouted grains



Very beneficial for the eyes helpful in reducing weight eliminate the problem of insomnia reduces cravings and maintain healthy heart. Rich in fiber helpful in building muscles improve the immune system rich in antioxidants beneficial for bones and remove toxins. Purifies blood and keeps skin healthy and improve digestion full of energy strength and immunity

uncooked vegetables mix vegetables (salad)


SOYABEAN is rich in nutrients and is beneficial for health. Consumption of soybeans is considered a good source of protein and fiber rich food regular consumption of soybean improves digestion and eating soybean strengthens muscles and bones.


  • Turmeric milk you can consume a mixture of turmeric milk and honey before sleeping at night to get good sleep. Drinking turmeric milk clears and brightens the skin complexion. 
  • Drinking turmeric milk keeps the sugar level balanced in the body also provides relief from the problems of increased sugar. 
  • Drinking turmeric milk makes you feel refreshed. 
  • Toxins are removed from the body and antibodies increase in body. 
  • We should drink turmeric milk even during cold and cough which will improve our immunity. 
  • Drinking turmeric milk helps a lot in healing internal injuries and external etc. 
  • and because of that they heal very quickly. Drinking turmeric milk reduces the cholesterol level of the body significantly and remains controlled. That milk can reduce your obesity.
turmeric milk and yellow milk
milk with turmeric


  • Eating dates strengthens bones and also joints also gets relief from pain.
  •  Consuming dates every day in winter is beneficial, it works to increase  the immunity of the body and gives strength to the body for fight diseases. 
  • Eating dates provides plenty of energy to the body. The natural sugar present in it helps in boosting energy in the body. A good amount of iron is found in dates.
  •  People who feel more tired or weak have iron deficiency. 
  • Therefore, they should eat 3 to 4 dates a day must be consumed people who eat dates daily are protected from this infections. 
  • Soaking dates in water overnight and eating them on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial. This provides  relief from constipation.
  •  Soaking dates in milk overnight and eating them in the morning the next day increases virility in men. Who are very weak or thin should eat at least 3 dates a day. 
  • The sweetness of dates and the huge amount of protein present in it helps a lot in increasing body weight.


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