Healthy foods is play important role in our life. Its make your life good and treat you as a patient because its giving you a healthy life style.

healthy foods


Palak(spinach) is a green food count in the vegetables

  • Palak (spinach) can provides protein minerals iron and a lot of vitamins K,A,B,C to body. Its contains a high amount of water more than 90 grams of water.
  • Palak (spinach) palak contains vitamine c and antioxidants which increases immunity and helps in fighting germs.
  • Palak (spinach) contains so much iron that its use improves our hemoglobin.
  • Palak (spinach) contains so much calcium that it make our bones and muscles strong. Palak (spinach) keeps blood sugar and cholestrol in our body under control.
  • Palak (spinach) eating keeps b.p under control. Eating Palak (spinach) keeps eyes healthy.
  • Palak (spinach) provides relief from diabetes and keeps heart healthy. Palak (spinach) improve digestion and weight can also be reduced rapidly.

Palak, spinach
Palak (spinach)


Paneer is a white dairy healthy food

  • A lot of protein is found in paneer. Protein strengthens muscles.
  • Consumption of paneer helps in the physical and mental development of children.
  • 3.paneer is a good source of calcium. This strengthens bones and teeth.
  • Paneer is rich in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential element for the body.
  • Paneer is also very beneficial for those who want to lose weight. Besides, it is also good for diabetic patients.
  • 6 Omega 3 is also found in it, which helps in mental development. It contains many minerals which are needed by the body.
  • Eating paneer keeps blood pressure and cholesterol levels balanced.
  • Paneer contains high quality protein, there should be enough protein in the diet to keep skin and hair healthy.
  • People who often feel weakness and fatigue should consume raw paneer.

paneer, protein source



Soyabean is grain food

In soyabean high protein Consuming soybean is very beneficial for pregnant women because it is rich in protein, due to which it helps in the development of the fetus and it is also considered beneficial for the bones.


  • Reduces cholesterol: Sprouted soybean seeds are very beneficial for people suffering from bad cholesterol.
  • Makes up for iron deficiency
  • Helpful in weight loss...
  • Makes bones stronger
  • Prevents hypertension

soyabean, soybean


Dahi(curd) is a dairy healthy food
  • Digestion The nutrients found in dahi(curd) can help in keeping the stomach healthy and strengthening the digestive system.
  • Weight loss - Many elements are found in curd, which can help in controlling your weight.
  • To increase immunity.
  • dahi(curd) increase Strengthen bones
  • To protect from infection.
  • Mouth ulcers-
  • In case of heart problem
  • Dahi(curd) is a food rich in energy!
  • Dahi(curd) increases immunity.
  • Dahi(curd)keeps diabetes under control.
  • Dahi(curd) is rich in vitamins!
  • Eating dahi(curd) makes the face and skin glow!
  • Dahi(curd) is useful for hair!
  • Dahi(curd) is important for mental health




Chicken is a non veg food

  •  Chicken is a rich source of protein
  • Make bones strong
  • Keeps the heart healthy
  • Reduce the risk of colorectal cancer
  • Strengthen digestion
  • Strengthen teeth
  • Beneficial for eyes
  • Relieves stress
  • Strengthens bones, bones and teeth
  • Prevent cancer by increasing immunity
  • beneficial for heart
  • strengthen digestion



Grams is a healthy food

IF you take sprouted gram and moong in the morning and evening it can be show more good result

  • Gram remives facial wrinkles
  • Contains Vitamin E, which helps in reducing wrinkles
  • Is effective in eradicating Gram
  • and skin by eating moong regularly
  • Gram is high in fiber, which reduces appetite and helps in weight control
  • Gram has good amount of fiber which
  • Improves digestion and relieves constipation
  • Gram contains good amount of potassium, which helps in controlling blood pressure.
  • Gram contains calcium and phosphorus. which are beneficial for teeth
  • Gram has good amount of folate, which is important for hormonal balance.
  • Gram contains Vitamin C, which is beneficial for the skin.



Papaya is a fruit its directly effects your stomach

The amount of sugar in papaya is low and the amount of fiber is high. Fiber controls the increased blood sugar level in the body. Blood sugar level can be controlled by consuming papaya every morning on an empty stomach. Helpful in reducing inflammation: Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are found in MA papaya.

  • helps in weight loss
  •  Beneficial for better skin
  • Detoxes the body
  •  Enhances eye health
  •  Consuming papaya on an empty stomach helps in reducing weight.
  • Also beneficial for hair health
  •  Reduces the risk of cancer!
  • Due to this you do not have much pain during menstruation
  •  This provides relief from toothache.

papaya, papita


Banana is a most healthy fruit

  • Banana removes fatigue and weakness.
  • Keeps the body energetic.
  • Keeps bones healthy
  • Removes anemia.
  • Banana is a good source of Vitamin B6 which sharpens the brain and memory,
  • Banana is especially beneficial in diarrhea, eating 2 bananas with curd provides relief from diarrhea.
  • To enhance the beauty of the skin
  • Helps in weight gain.
  • Helpful in relieving depression.
  • Reduce blood pressure and heart disease risk.
  • Helpful in strengthening our bones.
  • Beneficial in loose motion.
  • Helps prevent anemia.
  • Provide us with energy.
  • Reduce menstrual pain.
  • Power our brains.
  • Helps prevent ulcers.


banana, kela



Karela(bitter gourd) is a most healthy food from a long time

  • Phosphorus is found in sufficient quantity in bitter gourd. It removes cough, constipation and digestive problems.
  • Bitter gourd is very beneficial in case of asthma. In asthma, eating bitter gourd and vegetables without spices is beneficial.
  • It is good to consume bitter gourd juice in case of gas formation in the stomach and indigestion.
  • Drinking bitter gourd juice strengthens the liver.
  • Bitter gourd is like nectar for purifying blood. It is considered very effective in diabetes.
  • Bitter gourd is very beneficial in bloody piles.
  • Both boiled bitter gourd water and bitter gourd juice are very beneficial in kidney problems.
  • Bitter gourd is a better treatment for heart related problems.
  • Applying bitter gourd juice with lemon juice on the face cures acne.
  • Bitter gourd is beneficial in fighting cancer.

karela, bitter gourd
Karela(bitter gourd)


Lassi(butter milk) is a dairy food

  • lassi in summer protects the body from heat stroke. To avoid heat stroke in summer, drink it every day.
  • Drinking sweet lassi helps in weight loss and also reduces belly fat.
  • Drinking sweet lassi in summer keeps the mind cool and relieves stress, it gives instant energy to the body.
  • Drinking sweet lassi in summer cures many diseases of the body and keeps the body healthy.

lassi, buttermilk


Turmeric milk mixture of milk and spices

  • You can consume a mixture of turmeric, milk and honey before sleeping at night to get good sleep.
  • Drinking turmeric milk clears and brightens the skin complexion.
  • Drinking turmeric milk keeps the sugar level in the body balanced and also provides relief from the problem of increased sugar.
  • Drinking turmeric milk makes you feel refreshed, toxins are removed from the body and antibodies increase in the body.
  • We should drink turmeric milk even during cold and cough, which will improve our immunity.
  • Drinking turmeric milk helps a lot in healing internal injuries and external injuries etc. and because of that they heal very quickly.
  • Drinking turmeric milk reduces the cholesterol level of the body significantly and remains controlled.
  • Consuming curcumin with milk can reduce your obesity

turmeric milk, haldi dudh
Turmeric milk


Almonds(badam) counts in a nut

Crunchy in food and rich in protein, almonds contain fiber and Omega-3. Turmeric is a favorite dry fruit of many people, rich in taste and properties. Wet almonds are more healthy than dry almonds because they are softer to eat and easier to digest. So let us know about the benefits of almonds.

Benefits of eating soaked almonds -:

  • Eating soaked almonds daily helps in treating high blood pressure.
  • If you want to lose weight fast then include soaked almonds in your daily diet. Chewing almonds in between meals stops feeling hungry again and again.
  •  Soaked almonds are rich in Vitamin B17 which is very helpful in fighting various types of cancer.
  • Eating soaked almonds is very beneficial during pregnancy. Almonds contain folic acid which makes child delivery easy and hassle-free.
  • Almonds are very good for diabetic patients. Eating almonds daily helps in keeping your blood sugar level under control.



almonds, nut, badam

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